Let’s work together to build the Kingdom of God.


Saint Michael and Noah School

Church Builders just received a request for help from ST. MICHAEL AND NOAH COMMUNITY SCHOOL in the Catholic Diocese of Ndola, located in the community of Kitwe, Zambia. As you can see in the attached photos, they are in great need of new toilet facilities at the school.
Church Builders will be working on this project with Father Ferdinand Banda. This project has the approval of their Bishop, Rt Rev Benjamine Phiri. Father Banda also is the Dean of Kamfinsa deanery.
The school was built 20 years ago by the community and began with just one classroom. Today, in appreciation to the good and quality education offered by the school through the years, the community has managed to add 11 classrooms. The school started with only 20 children and now has 416 pupils today. In fact, the school is running at full capacity and has no space for additional students. Father Banda said the parents really appreciate the discipline at the school and the 100 percent pass for their grade 7 pupils.
The school is very important to the whole community because it offers the baby class to primary school studies, the minimal education of children from two years to 13 years. This is a critical stage of growth and human development.
Father Banda has provided Church Builders with an itemized cost estimate and the school is in need of $6000 USD to build these new restrooms. Father said that the community would be providing most of the labor at no cost to the school. If you would like to join Church Builders in financially supporting this school's restroom project, please donate at www.ChurchBuilders.us or you can send a check to Church Builders at P.O. Box 9035, Boise, ID 83707. Please tag your donation as "Zambia." God Bless!

School Projects