Let’s work together to build the Kingdom of God.
While every gift is much appreciated it is the strength of monthly recurring giving that blesses us the most. Please consider partnering monthly with us as a Church Builder. You can change your gift at anytime. Your support will help build the Body of Christ. Please consider a monthly offering. Thank you!
Revenue from
Let us Pray goes to Church Builders Inc.
Please use the "Donate" button above to contribute funds to Church Builders Inc. 100% of your donated funds will go directly to one of Church Builders projects. Let us know which of the great projects you are passionate about and we will direct your charitable offering to that specific mission. God Bless!
Checks can be made out to "Church Builders Inc." and mailed to the address below:
Church Builders Inc.
P.O. Box 9035
Boise, Idaho 83707
ChurchBuilders.us is a public 501(c)(3) non-profit.
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ChurchBuilders.us @ 2015