Let’s work together to build the Kingdom of God.
Saint Kizito Family School
The schools of the Kizito Family educate poor and even poorer children.
Every day new children are entrusted to the Kizito Family for schooling.
The sisters and a team of volunteers give them food and offer them the basics of school learning, dance, football, catechism, judo, various other activities within:
Non-Formal Education centers (remedial and upgrading courses for children who have not been to school)
small schools and canteens
extra-curricular activity centers (dance, football, sewing, embroidery, drawing, tutoring)
The sisters make a point of taking the children on a weekend/retreat and letting them take in the country air and “see a bit of grass”.
Sister Paesie
Founder of Kizito Family School
Kizito Family Classroom in Haiti
School Projects
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ChurchBuilders.us @ 2015